Friday, May 16, 2008

The Island of Kawaii

(photos from

Japanese artists like Murakami have knack for pervading pop culture with cute and desirable things that grown women, like me, go apeshit for. What Shinzi Katoh has done for Sigg water bottles and tote bags is not just cute stuff, this is saccharine goodness - This. Is. KAWAII. But in the best way. Indeed, I consider this a mature step up from bright red Hello Kitty notepads and shower curtains, not that I will ever seriously give up on any of that (much to my boyfriend's dissapointment). Also, I will point out, his use of English is totally (pretty much) understandable. You can purchase Katoh items at Unica but his online catalog is much much more vast and is probably worth shipping overseas. I am so overcome with kawaii, I cannot deal.

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