Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Braise Awareness

Happy is the day that the new Martha Stewart Living arrives at my workplace. There is bound to be some delightful tidbit of timeless, cutesy amazingery within its pages - be it a meticulously arranged gradient of squash varieties, a Shaker-inspired decorating spread, or an issue devoted entirely to breadmaking.

MSL is also my go-to resource for lazy-person recipes. Now, I know you might be thinking that "lazy" and "Martha Stewart" don't belong in the same sentence, but, um ... they do! Maz has introduced me to a number of instantaneously prepared and delicious foodstuffs: baked sweet-potato chips, stewed green beans and poblanos, and, courtesy of the November issue, braised fish with fennel and tomato - the recipe which inspired this post. Thanks to a vegetarian domestic partner and a personal fear of venturing outside the pasta-and-vegetables paradigm, I have managed to avoid any recipe that involves flesh. This one, however, looks too easy not to try - plus, words cannot describe my ardor for fennel. Apparently I throw everything in a skillet, turn on the heat, and go watch America's Next Top Model? Um, where do I sign?

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