Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Packing Heat

Holiday packing! What a conundrum. I know that it’s impossible to make generalizations about people’s Thanksgiving plans, so the following scenario may not apply to you, but – I find myself torn between the inclination to pack a single pair of jeans and a t-shirt in preparation for several days of hibernation interspersed with bouts of overeating and remembering that I should pack at least one slamming outfit, lest my out-of-town friends whom I haven’t seen in a while think that I’ve gone soft. Add to this contrarian pile the possibility that I’ll be going shopping on my vacation and you basically have a full-on Monet of a suitcase, informed by far too many sartorial scenarios to have any sort of cohesion.

My secret weapon? The statement necklace. Throw this bad boy on and your outfit is suddenly outing-appropriate.

I love this sick, Brutalist-inspired Alexis Bittar number.

PS: Thank you, fashion world, for giving us a legitimate-sounding term for what I always used to refer to as "huge, crazy, fucked-up necklace." Speaking of fashion world - have you guys noticed that Anne Slowey has worn a statement necklace in



episode of Stylista?

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