Thursday, February 5, 2009


Then: shoulderpads.

Now, via Cathy Horyn: "extreme shoulders."

Full disclosure, y'all - the Cache bodysuit that I got from Listopad has seen the light of day - the light of a huge party, no less - with shoulder pads intact. It's because these particular pads are sharp, literally and figuratively - instead of the puffy, rounded monstrosities that get snipped out of many a thrift-store find, these are small and to the point, and give the shoulders edge instead of bulk. Reasonable iterations of this structural touch do exist.

For example: I love this! Hats off to the styling, of course, but the jacket is doing its own good work: I think the exaggerated shoulders create a lovely counterpoint to the wide leg of the trousers. All this plus a classic white t-shirt and really fucking dramatic headwrap? Yes please! These shoulders are so wickedly pointed that I cannot help but fall in love.

This is fucking badass and you know it. Yes, bulky shoulder, but the nipped waist and tight sleeves reminds you that the Evil Stepmother is still on top of her game. (Full disclosure #2: I have a sweater that is an exact replica of this dress.)

1 comment:

Cath said...

I love those shoulder uppers ("pad" just makes everything sound unfashionable) on you. I am seriously considering some shoulder implants as a result.